Monday, October 13, 2008

Stay Positive!

How I became a server? Well, let's see. Before I became a server I worked as a freelance court reporter. The question everybody asks is why I would get out of the field. Yes, the money was good but the job consumed me. I left the field to go to school for my BS in Computers. Working two jobs (one full-time, one part-time), attending school full-time and taking care of a house did not leave much time for my studies. So here I am. Many dead-end relationships later and one awesome son! I have now worked in the restaurant industry for nearly 9 years. Half of which were spent at the restaurant I work for now. Oh the lessons I've learned. . .the most crucial, staying positive! How I do it? Well, I tune out the negativity. My first rule of thumb; turn that frown upside down people. I try to be as descript as possible with my made-up words like dee-lish or gianormous, or my fave sweet-tastic. I don't keep track of my tips unless they deserve special recognition. I realize I make an impression on people no matter what is going on in their own life. If my guests can't laugh with me at least I can laugh at myself.